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What Are Infused Pre-Rolls?

What Are Infused Pre-Rolls?

An infused pre-roll or cone takes that level of professional quality to the next level by combining the pre-roll with any type of concentrated marijuana product. This may include oil, hashish, kief, a mix of different strains, and even the all famous kaviar where bud is soaked in hash oil before being rolled in kief and perfectly constructed into an amazing roll.

Jacob Dooley
September 27, 2021

While there is a wide range of options to choose from when it comes to consuming marijuana from bongs and vapes to edibles, an infused pre-rolled joint with a crafted flavor that burns perfectly is the classic that all connoisseurs and marijuana enthusiasts are going to prefer. Pre-rolls and joints in general are easy to share, discrete, disposable, and ready to smoke from the moment you buy them without the need for any specialty equipment (other than a lighter of course).

The experience and novelty of using different bongs and vaping methods is fun, really, but there is nothing more enjoyable or more memorable than a perfectly rolled joint that burns evenly and tastes delicious. However, when you infuse a pre-roll with a unique blend of flower, resin, and more ingredients like kaviar, you can maximize the potency, flavor, smoothness, and overall experience of the pre-roll. By choosing an infused pre-roll, you revolutionize the entire experience and get to smoke something truly special.

So, What Are Infused Pre-Rolls?

Imagine the perfect pre-roll that has been crafted by a professional to have a perfectly even density for a balanced smoke while containing the finest herbs that a particular shop has to offer. That is the aim of the common pre-roll. 

An infused pre-roll or cone takes that level of professional quality to the next level by combining the pre-roll with any type of concentrated marijuana product. This may include oil, hashish, kief, a mix of different strains, and even the all famous kaviar where bud is soaked in hash oil before being rolled in kief and perfectly constructed into an amazing roll. It is also common for infused pre-rolls to incorporate flavored waxes to heighten the smoking experience, such as by adding a fruit flavor to the smoke.

You can also choose between THC or CBD-concentrated infusions based on your desired goal. Pre-rolls with medicinal purposes can use higher concentrations of CBD resins, oils, and strains to better capture the healing potential of CBD, and a combination of THC and CBD can be designed for the right mix between head high and body high.

By carefully crafting an infused pre-roll with the right set of ingredients, professionals can create smoking experiences that you most likely will not be able to replicate at home, the same way that a barman will perfect their ability to make cocktails. This makes these pre-rolls the holy grail of the marijuana world.

Why Are Infused Pre-Rolls Becoming Popular?

There are a number of reasons why infused pre-rolls and pre-rolls in general are gaining traction and becoming even more popular. According to Marijuana Business Daily who use the data of Seattle-based firm Headset with data from the California, Colorado, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington markets, in the space between 2019 and 2020 (right at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic), the sale of pre-rolled joints increased by almost 50%. 

In 2019, pre-roll sales were worth approximately $640 million, and by the end of 2020 that number had jumped up to $942 million and was the second highest growth rate of the entire marijuana industry in all of those markets. And when you look at the monthly sales statistics, the number of pre-roll sales spiked significantly right after the COVID-19 lockdowns.

There are other reasons why infused pre-rolls and regular pre-rolls are experiencing more popularity as well, like the fact that many suppliers are choosing to sell smaller sized pre-rolls. While a 1 gram joint may be suitable for being passed around at a party and enjoyed by multiple people, once the pandemic hit hard and people stopped sharing smokes and going to parties in general, the demand for smaller pre-rolls increased. Now you can easily find 0.5 gram or smaller pre-rolls that give you all of the benefits of a professionally crafted joint for just one person to enjoy. 

It is also important to note that as the marijuana industry has grown, as more strains of weed have been developed and refined and more pre-roll infusion techniques have been designed and perfected, marijuana enthusiasts everywhere have never had a better reason to sample different pre-roll infusions. One of the best benefits of pre-rolls is that they essentially act as a sample of a strain that can be tried before a larger investment. 

With infused pre-rolls, marijuana users get to try different mixes of strains, concentrates, and wax flavors that are professionally designed so that everyone can find their favorite mix without having to waste their time with trial and error. They get to have the professional product and experience right at their fingertips. Gone are the days where pre-rolls were filled with low-grade shake and trim as well. Today, more and more companies are putting the best bud that they have in their pre-rolls.

What Are the Best Infused Pre-Rolls?

Kaviar Cones

The Kaviar Cone by the cannabis brand Kaviar based out of Colorado focuses on what they call the “trifecta”, the combination of high-grade flower, oil, and kief that is specially designed to produce a smooth, consistent smoking experience. Their 1.5 gram strain-specific cones can be anywhere between 30-50% THC, and they include glass smoking tips for added luxury. 

High 90s

The range produced by High 90s has a great combination of THC and CBD, with most of their infusions having at least 30% THC and over 1.5mg of CBD. This brand is an expert at combining weed with flavors like their gelato, strawberry, or peach-flavored pre-rolls.

HashBones made by Hollister Cannabis Co.

HashBones have stuck to the traditional 1 gram infused pre-rolls as well as the 0.5 gram pre-rolls that are made of 75% high grade sativa, indica, or hybrid flowers and 25% cold water bubble hash. If you are feeling really adventurous, they have an extra-strong infusion called the Hashbone Wolfie. This is a 1 gram pre-roll of high grade flower and 25% bubble hash which is then coated in full-spectrum cannabis oil before being rolled and dusted in hash. It is a dream come true.

Whether you are a cannabis connoisseur looking for the next great experience with this magical plant or an entrepreneur wanting to know which part of the market to capitalize on, the area of infused pre-rolls is quickly growing as more blends are developed and as professional cannabis craftsmen get more creative with how they infuse their joints. There is something for everyone in this market, and it provides an opportunity for people to become even more creative with their cannabis.

Jacob Dooley

Jacob is the Director of Sales and Marketing at Accelerant. He's an avid skier but lives in Chicago, IL. When he's not conducting pre-roll market research, he enjoys exploring the Chicago food scene with his girlfriend and their dog, George.

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